This magazine looks like its about gossip and about different celebrities lives and what they go through. Mostly middle aged people and fans of these celebrities because they would want to follow what their favorite celebrity is doing and middle aged people are more likely to be into current day celebrities. 



Intertexuality: the relationship between texts, especially literary ones. 

Intertextuality and intertextual relationships can be separated into three types: obligatory, optional and accidental.

Obligatory intertextuality in when the writer deliberately invokes a comparison or association between two (or more) texts.

Optional intertextuality has a less vital impact on the significance of the hypertext.

Accidental intertextuality is when readers often connect a text with another text, cultural practice or a personal experience, without there being any tangible anchorpoint within the original text. 


First Magazine cover: 

Compare/Contrast Fargo Notes: 

My notes: Things just observed during watching and just jotted down as it went on. This helps remember certain details that happened during the film but doesn't really help for writing about the whole plot. 

Example scored exam notes: Also are just bullet points of things observed during watching. Detailed things that happened, and the types of movements. Has certain camera angles and certain sounds that happened. Also helps remember certain details from the film. The example scored notes are even more detailed though as they even show the certain camera angles and movements shown. 

Sopranos Sound Writeup:

In the sopranos video the first thing we are shown is the theme song. The theme is most likely part of the soundtrack as well. The video's motif was also on point because it was able to add to the mood of the video. The dialogue was also diegetic and really emphasized it. This allowed the video to flow throughout easily and easy to comprehend. 

Table of contents images from Canva:

I really like how futuristic and clean this table of contents looks. The color scheme all fit in together and match the pictures, and chapter titles that are included. I would have liked it a little more if the black and white picture had color instead but it still looks really nice. 

I really like how there are pictures for each chapter and match what the chapter is going to be about based on the titles. The pictures also match the whole color scheme of the page. Each picture is a shade of orange, red or green which looks really nice all together. 

I really like how each chapter is color coded, with the number of the chapter going with the title, keeping the shape of a jellyfish. It is really creative and goes along with the whole jellyfish theme, including it being organized, and able to read and understand easily. 

Cristiano Ronaldo 1
Image – 306.4 KB 60 downloads

My magazine concept is just for the fans of this player James Rodriguez to learn and enjoy reading about his come up through different teams and what happened throughout his career. 

It engages with the audience because fans of this player would love to read about him and learn about him and can be distributed online through sport apps or sport newspaper websites. It can even be distributed on social media through a link so people can read it. 

  • the issues raised by media ownership and funding in contemporary media practiceAll media that is released to the public is owned by some type of company that own the rights to it. For example Disney own Marvel, and now has the rights to all the characters in the movies, shows or comics. There are lots of big companies however that just buy these smaller companies since they already have lots of money and are able to market more and make higher budget media, which eliminates competition, creates a monopoly over the industry as there are only a few giant companies in control, and makes it harder for smaller companies to gain money and get bigger. Independent films are not able reach out to the public as much and don't do as good as studio films. They might even reach out to these higher end companies to collaborate with them, but this still causes them get even more money. It's not as big a problem for the consumer, but more for the independent companies coming up. 

Double Page Spread:


Planning the article

I decided to make my double page spread about the top 10 soccer clubs in the world, which will be a top 10 list, that gives interesting facts, but also accurate ones. This will be directed towards an audience that is more inclined to want to learn interesting facts about soccer, enjoy watching it, and keeping up with the news going around. It is important to give interesting facts, and accurate information to the audience so they continue reading and remember what they are reading. There are always debates on which teams are the best, so it will interest lots of people and be trending. I’ll start by introducing the topic with the title and some teams that may be on the list, and then move into the list giving what trophies they won, or what place they are in in their league, and their recent form. I’ll organize everything into little boxes, where each team will have what number they are, and the information, including their team badge.

What significance does the continuing development of digital media technology have for media institutions and audiences?

To institutions and audiences, the development of digital media technologies is so important because they depend on each other. This means that the development of new technologies coming to the public, numerous media organizations will have to adapt to the new technology. Since this latest type of technology can be used by their viewers, they don't want to lose any of their fans, since it will directly impact the money of the company. Ultimately it would be best for them to keep up with the latest technology so their business continues to do good. 

Table of contents revision 1: 


I made sure to get a picture that matched with the text fonts. I also made the theme about sports as that's what my whole magazine has been about. I tried to go for a simple, yet organized and clean look, that fits in well. I include the pages number, the table of contents title, each chapters heading, a little description, and a picture to match all of that and give it more life, and look better. 

Critical Reflection Question 1

How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

          My magazine challenges convention in lots of ways. First, they are used on how they deliver the soccer news through just making the magazines. These authors must do lots of research and gather a lot of information to make people want to read their magazines. You must find interesting topics on the subject that are trending to get as much sales as possible. You can deliver different types of news, as it can depend on a team, a specific player or even a coach. These magazines can even spread important messages or motivation texts to an audience of mainly soccer fans. This can help the reader understand world issues or continue to play the sport that they love.


            Soccer is now starting to support and respect lots of different social groups and issues around the world. Many soccer teams will wear arm bands or text on their shirt saying “No room for racism” or support the LGBTQ+ community. Before the games start, they might even kneel and put their fists up to show support towards ending racism. This has mostly begun to happen since the recent protests and tragedies, because of all the world problems that have happened. This is very important as it spreads the issues to another set of audience, that is is mainly focused on soccer as maybe they don’t really watch the news or keep up with news from magazines.

Critical Reflection Question 2:

How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

My product engages with audience because lots of people can connect to it and be entertained and informed by it. There are lots of sports fans who like to keep up with the newest news and drama going around. The magazine will be able to inform them on the newest news on their favorite teams, players, or coaches. The magazine can also get new people to come in and get into a different sport, as the information in it can interest them. Even analysts on the sport can go to these magazines and learn new facts they didn't know about. 

       My product can be distributed as a real media text because it is a magazine for people to read. Magazines are spread through stores on shelfs and people that pass by can look at it. People will buy the magazines to learn new things they didn’t know. It can also be promoted and bought online through websites for more exposure and revenue. There are lots of ways to market the product for it to be distributed to a new set of audience in different areas to bring in more revenue. You can pay for ads or through social media to sell this media.


Critical Reflection Question 3:

How did your production skills develop throughout this project?


My production skills developed throughout the project on how, the layout is supposed to look, and colors match better with the overall theme. For the magazine pages to look better, everything must be organized and look nice. In this magazine the colors match with each other, and the layout of the words don't cross over with each other. There is also lots of research into it, as there is specific news about the teams included in the magazine. Different applications are used to get the magazine to look how you want it to. It makes it easier to organize it however you would want it took look.

Critical Reflection Question 4: 

How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

There is technology in this project being used and developed because I had to use different websites and functions to make and organize the magazine, so it would be viewed how I want it to. There is also research and background information, which is found online. You can use different tools to make a magazine cover look however you want. You can adjust the font, picture, colors, letters and many more things.

Thoughts on how the news changes the way we think and behave

Paragraph 1:

The article talks about how the news can impact you in many different ways. It gives examples of studies made about the news such as, on how checking the news constantly about tragedies was more harmful at times then actually experiencing those tragedies as they can cause mental health issues. Many people spend hours watching the news which can impact your decisions, health, knowledge, and way of thinking. Another big example given is how constantly watching the news about COVID-19 can cause you to always stress about it, which can be harmful to you. Even watching events on the news that have nothing to do with you can impact you, as the reporters are constantly telling stories and vivid descriptions that can really haunt you. Ultimately news articles and news on the tv are way easier to consume nowadays with all the technology, but we should be more careful.

Paragraph 2:

I agree with this articles statement on how the news affects us much more then most people believe. I have seen many people that are constantly stressing about the virus because they are always checking the news which make the virus seem like the most terrible thing ever, as the article said. Lots of people watch the news, and lots of people see news articles on social media too. People are consuming these news articles without even realizing. Many people have a very high screen time on their phone, and lots of it is from scrolling through social media which contains news articles. People later on remember these articles and can stress about it. The article also gives lots of examples and studies that make perfect sense and really emphasize how the news affect us in bad ways much more then we think. 

Final Magazine Cover:

image from (Cristiano Ronaldo World Cup)

Final Double Page Spread.

image from and (soccer badges and stadium)

Final Table of Contents

Critical Reflection Presentation